
Terms of Use

The Terms of Use detail how you may use this website and other online sites belonging to and operated by Alkis H. Hadjikyriacos (Frou Frou Biscuits) Public Ltd also referred to as “we”, “us”, “our” or “the company”. All users (also referred to as “you”) of this website are subject to the Terms of Use, and by accessing this site you accept and follow these terms without limitation. The company may amend the Terms of Use from time to time so we kindly request that you review these regularly.

Prior to reviewing the below, kindly read our Privacy Policy, which details on how we collect, use and manage your personal data.

General Restrictions

This Site may only be used by you for your own personal, non-commercial use and in accordance to the Terms of Use and subject to all Cyprus laws and regulations.

The Terms of Use applies restrictions to the user for the unlawful or unauthorised usage of our content, without acquiring our written consent. Restrictions include copying, reproducing, reusing, adapting, broadcasting, posting, uploading, modifying, advertising, distributing or selling any of our content in any way, including for any public or commercial purpose whatsoever. Exceptions include instances where the company offers a specific functionality on the site that allows you to share a piece of content.

The user is also prohibited from using the website in such a way that causes or might cause harm to the website, a person or a business. This includes sending harmful material such as viruses, threatening, scandalous, fraudulent, pornographic, inflammatory or that could encourage a violation of any law.

Material ownership

Subject to the company’s Privacy Policy, any material you send to this website or our other sites, either through email, comments, suggestions, upload, post or otherwise transmitted, will be deemed non-confidential and non-proprietary.

Intellectual Property

Trade Marks: All Trade Marks on the website or any other of our controlled sites are registered and property of the company.
Copyright: All material on this site is copyrighted, so visitors may not physically or electronically copy, distribute, sell, publish, reproduce, or transmit any part of the material on this website or our other sites unless they have our written consent.
Company Liability

In the event where a personal issue or an inconvenience has arisen throughout your experience and use of this website, the company, its subsidiaries or any affiliate that somehow relates with the company will not liable to you, whether such liability is under contract, tort or otherwise.


If you have any questions or comments regarding the Terms and Conditions kindly contact us through email at or through our other means of contact using the CONTACT US tab found on the top left and footer of this page.